Tag Archives: portriats

Eagle Point Family

About a month ago I donated a session to a silent auction benefiting the McPhail family, and their Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Build. The auction raised thousands of needed dollars for the family and it was great to see everyone come together to donate items and bid. Ginny was the winning bidder of my item...

Hallie 6 Weeks

Yesterday Hallie came for her newborn pictures. She was a few weeks late for pictures so she didn’t sleep much, but that made for some really fun awake shots. Hallie is one of those little girl babies that just looks like a pretty little girl even though she is still so young. Her eyes are...

23 Year Old Single Male

Meet Caleb Jones. Caleb and I go way back to high school youth group (like I’m SO old right, ha!) and post graduation summer internships. He’s a totally awesome guy that is nice, kind, employed, educated, and single. Is this a personal ad? Nope, just a post about some headshots I did for him this...